
Red Fruits & Vegetables: Revealing The Insanely Awesome Nutritional Benefits

Helpful Products

Red Fruits
- Red Apples
- Red Grapes
- Strawberries
- Red Raspberry
- Watermelon
- Cranberry
- Cherries
- Pomegranates
- Dragon Fruit
- Lychee
- Plum
- Blood Orange
- Red Currant
- Red Banana
- Radicchio
- Fig
- Red Pear
- Prickly Pear
- Acerola [Barbado Cherry]
- Red Guava
- Lingonberry

Red Vegetables
- Red Cabbage
- Tomatoes
- Beetroots
- Rhubard
- Red Chili Pepper
- Red Onions
- Red Potatoes
- Red Carrot

Who doesn't love the vibrant red hue of these fruits and vegetables, from apples and beets to strawberries and tomatoes?

But red fruits and vegetables aren't just pleasing to the palate. They're also nutritional powerhouses. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these crimson-colored foods can improve heart health and boost brain function.

Eating a diet rich in these colorful foods can help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. They can also boost immunity, improve vision, and promote healthy skin and hair. So, what are the best red fruits and vegetables to eat? Here's a list of 30 delicious options and their nutritional and health benefits. [1]

Red apples

in a post about red fruits

An apple a day may indeed keep the doctor away. Red apples are perhaps the most popular type of apple, and for a good reason. They're delicious, nutritious, and versatile.

Data from the USDA shows that a single red apple contains about 2.1 grams of fiber, which is about 10 percent of the recommended daily value. Fruits with high fiber content can help reduce the risk of cancer, cholesterol levels, and cardiovascular disease. [2]

Apples are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage. In fact, apples are the second-highest source of antioxidants in the American diet, behind blueberries. Red apples are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and manganese [3]

Red grapes

Red grapes in a post about red fruits

Red grapes are a type of grape that is typically red or purple in color. The skins of red grapes are thinner than white grapes, and they contain more anthocyanins, which are responsible for their color. Red grapes have a sweeter taste than white grapes and are often used to make red wine.

Red grapes are a good source of vitamins C, Biotin, iron, and potassium. They also contain polyphenols and antioxidants that may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Red grapes and their extracts are a rich source of phenolic antioxidants that may have potentially beneficial effects against chronic degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. [4][5]

Red grapes are often used in winemaking but can also be eaten fresh, dried (raisins), or juiced. Grapes are generally considered to be healthy, but they can be high in sugar. If you're trying to lose weight or manage diabetes, eating them in moderation is essential.


Strawberries in a post about red fruits

The strawberry is a fruit that belongs to the rose family. The fruit is an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part of the fruit is derived from the flower's ovaries, but also contains details of the receptacle and stem.

Regarding nutrition, the USDA lists strawberries as a source of vitamins C, biotin, Citric acid, manganese, and dietary fiber. The NIH also recognizes strawberries as a good source of polyphenols, antioxidants that may help protect against some chronic diseases. Some specific polyphenols found in strawberries include anthocyanins, ellagitannins, and flavonoids.[6][7]

To learn more about the health benefits of flavonoids, check out our guide on All You Need to Know About Flavonoid Supplements. This guide provides an overview of flavonoids, their health benefits, and how to incorporate them into your diet.

Did you know?

The strawberry is not actually a fruit. It’s a false fruit or accessory fruit. This means that the fleshy part of the strawberry we eat is not produced by the plant’s ovaries. Instead, it’s composed of the enlarged stem tissue of the plant.

Red cabbage

Red cabbage in a post about red fruits

This cruciferous veggie is also known as purple cabbage because of its dark purple-reddish color. Red cabbage is more minor, denser, and peppery than green cabbage. It can be eaten raw in salads and coleslaw or cooked by stir-frying, simmering, and braising.

Red cabbage's stress-resistance properties. A study conducted by the NIH has shown that red cabbage extract can help protect cells and DNA from damage caused by stress and aging. This stress-resistant quality is thought to be due to the high levels of antioxidants present in red cabbage. [8][9]

Raw Cabbage is packed with nutrients like vitamins C, B6, D, and K, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc are good for maintaining strong and healthy bones. And because of its high fiber content, red cabbage helps in easy food digestion, keeping the digestive system healthy.

Did you know? When cooked, red cabbage changes color from red to bluish-purple due to the presence of anthocyanins. So, if you want to retain its color, add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the cooking water.


Tomatoes in a post about red fruits

There can hardly be someone who doesn't eat tomatoes because of the variety of ways they can be served. This vibrant red, round, juicy fruit or vegetable is very healthy and highly nutritious. Including it in our diet is highly recommended.

Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. They are especially rich in vitamin C and lycopene. USDA data shows that a medium-sized tomato has about 27 mg of vitamin C. This is around 30% of the recommended daily intake for this vital nutrient. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes. It is responsible for the red color of the fruit. [10][11]

A study by the NIH about the "nutraceutical properties of lycopene" showed that it has the potential to reduce the risks of several chronic diseases. These include liver damage, cancer, and infertility. Tomatoes can be served raw as juice, salads, and slaw or cooked in sauces, wraps, or sandwiches. However, the NIH advises that cooking tomatoes increase the availability of critical nutrients such as lycopene. [12]

Red raspberry

Red raspberry in a post about red fruits

Raspberries are a type of fruit that belongs to the rose family. They grow on bushes and have tiny seeds on their surface. Raspberries come in many colors, including red, black, purple, and gold. Raspberries are the second-largest source of fiber in the red fruit world, containing 6 grams per 100 g FW. [13]

Raspberries can be eaten fresh, frozen, or made into jams, jellies, and pies. They can also flavor yogurt, ice cream, and other desserts.


Watermelon in a post about red fruits

Watermelon is a popular fruit for summertime celebrations such as Fourth of July cookouts and picnics. It is related to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash and is a member of the gourd family. Like other members of the gourd family, watermelon is a vine that grows on the ground. The fruit is actually a berry and is round or oval in shape. Watermelons weigh between five and 50 pounds, and their flesh is either pink, red, or yellow.

Watermelons are 92% water, which is why they are such a refreshing fruit to eat on a hot day. They are also a good source of vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, and phenolics. Watermelons are often used in fruit salads or served as a refreshing side dish at a barbecue. They can also be made into juice or turned into pickles. [14]


Cranberry in a post about red fruits

Cranberries are a type of evergreen shrub that belongs to the Vaccinium genus. They are native to North America and grow in wet, acidic areas such as bogs and marshes.

Cranberries rank highest in fiber content among all red fruits, with a range of 35.7 mg/100 g fresh weight (FW). They are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. [15]

Cranberries have traditionally been used to treat various conditions, including urinary tract infections, stomach ulcers, and gum disease. The same NIH study has shown that cranberry juice or supplements can help reduce the risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in women. Cranberry products may also help to prevent plaque build-up on teeth and gums and reduce the risk of gum disease. [16]


Cherries in a post about red fruits

Sweet cherries are a type of stone fruit that belongs to the Prunus genus. These fruits are typically red or black in color and have a juicy, fleshy texture. Some of the most common sweet cherry varieties include the Bing cherry, the Lambert cherry, and the Rainier cherry.

Sweet cherries are a good source of vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. They also contain phytochemicals, which are plant-based compounds that have been shown to have numerous health benefits, as stated by the NIH. [17]

Among other antioxidants in sweet cherries, hydroxycinnamates are present in exceptionally high levels. These compounds possess anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-carcinogenic properties. While sweet cherries can be enjoyed fresh, they can also be used in various recipes. Sweet cherry pie is a classic dessert, and sweet cherries can also be used in cobblers, jams, and chutneys. [18]


Pomegranates in a post about red fruits

Pomegranates are a type of fruit native to the Middle East and cultivated for centuries in that region. The pomegranate is a round, red fruit with a leathery skin and a juicy interior filled with seeds. The seeds are edible and have a sweet, tart flavor.

Pomegranates are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. As per the USDA,100 grams of pomegranate provides 10mg of vitamin C, 12% of the daily value. Additionally, pomegranates are a good dietary fiber, vitamin B6, and potassium source. [19][20]

The health benefits of pomegranates have been known for centuries. Thanks to their high antioxidant content, pomegranates have been traditionally used for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-proliferative benefits. [21]

Pomegranates can help to prevent and treat various types of cancer, including skin, breast, and colon cancer. Pomegranates can be eaten fresh or juiced, and the juice can be used in cocktails or as a mixer for other drinks.


Beetroots in a post about red fruits

Beetroots, known as red beets or just beets, are one of the most versatile vegetables. In addition to the edible roots, beet greens are also nutritious and are eaten as a traditional food in most countries.

Beetroots are a nutritional powerhouse besides being a healthy pop of color on the plate. One study conducted by the NIH on the "nutritional evaluation of beetroots" showed that they are an excellent source of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. [22]

The study also reveals the presence of phytochemicals such as betalains, phenolics, and flavonoids in beetroots. These compounds are responsible for the unique color of the vegetable as well as its health-promoting properties, including cancer prevention and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit in a post about red fruits

The dragon fruit, or pitaya, is a tropical fruit native to Central and South America. it has different varieties, but the most common type is the red dragon fruit. Its red leathery skin and green soft spike make it look like a real dragon! The flesh of the dragon fruit is white or red and contains small black seeds.

Dragon fruit contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. The nutritional value of dragon fruit makes it a "healthy food choice for people with cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary diseases." While dragon fruit may look exotic, it is essential to remember that it is associated with a few allergic reactions. symptoms might be infrequent and, in some cases, not show. [23]


Lychee in a post about red fruits

Lychee is a tropical fruit of the soapberry family. Often grown in South Asia, lychee has a short season and is harvested from May to June. The exterior of the lychee is covered by a thin, red shell. Once the shell is peeled away, the edible white flesh covering a dark seed of the fruit is revealed.

Lychee is mainly composed of water and carbs{mostly sugars}. However, the fruit also contains small amounts of vitamins C and B, copper, potassium, and antioxidants. Lychee is a popular choice for fruit salads and juices and can be found canned, dried, or fresh. The fruit has a sweet taste and is often used in desserts. [24][25]


Plum in a post about red fruits

Plum is a common type of fruit that can be found in many different colors, including red. It is believed to have originated in China and has been cultivated there. Plums are also cultivated in the United States; over 140 varieties are available there.

Plums are classified as stone fruit and are related to apricots, almonds, and peaches.

There are many health benefits to eating plums. Plums are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamins C, A, B, and dietary fiber. Plums also contain antioxidants, which can help protect the body against disease. [26]

Prunes, which are dried plums, have even more health benefits. Prunes have a higher concentration of phenolic compounds, antioxidants, than fresh plums. [27]

Blood orange

Blood orange in a post about red fruits

As the name implies, this variety of orange has crimson-red, almost blood-colored flesh.

The blood orange was first grown in the 18th century in the southern Mediterranean. The low temperature during the Mediterranean fall and winter aids the development of the red pigment. Blood oranges are also grown in other temperate regions like California and Florida.

Even with the rather unpleasant name, blood orange is edible. The juice tends to have a sweeter taste than a regular orange. Apart from sucking the juice raw, it can prepare various cuisines. Popular recipes include blood orange cake, juice, marmalade, syrup, and winter salads.

Like every other citrus fruit, blood oranges are high in vitamin c content. The USDA states that a 100 gram serving of blood oranges contains approximately 60 mg of vitamin c. This amount is about 67% of the recommended daily intake. Regular consumption of it helps to keep the immune system healthy. [28]

Apart from being a good source of vitamin c, blood oranges are also rich in antioxidants. Flavonoids, carotenoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, and anthocyanins are the primary antioxidants in blood oranges. These antioxidants protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. They also help to reduce inflammation and slow down the aging process.[29]

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Rhubard in a post about red fruits

Rhubarb is a spring vegetable of the Polygonaceae or otherwise called the buckwheat family. It has a ruby-red stalk and green leaves.

Rhubarb was first cultivated in Asia, but since then, it has gained popularity in most European countries because of the cold weather required to thrive.

The pretty stalks of rhubarb are the only edible part of this exciting veggie. It is crunchy with a sharp sour taste when chewed raw. However, apart from eating rhubarb solo, it can be paired with strawberries to make the famous strawberry-rhubarb pie. This all-purpose vegetable is also used in creative dishes like cookies, jam, cakes, and cocktails. [29]

Rhubarb is a good source of Vitamin C, dietary fiber, and calcium. It also contains smaller amounts of potassium and vitamin K.

In a study about the "Oxalate content of foods and its effect on humans," the NIH classifies rhubarb as high in oxalate. The green leaves are poisonous because they contain significant levels of oxalic acid. The resulting toxicity can cause serious human health problems, including kidney stones and death. [30]

Red currant

Red currant in a post about red fruits

Red currants are tiny round red berries with a tart taste. They grow in bunches on small bushes; each bunch numbers up to 12 fruits. Because of the sour taste of red currant, they are hardly eaten raw. Processing them into jams, jellies, edible creams, and drinks is most suitable.

The red currant is eaten chiefly when ripe and is highly nutritious. Data from USDA reveals that red currant is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. The berries are also a good source of riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. [31]

Red chili pepper

Red chili pepper in a post about red fruits

Red chili pepper is one of the most widely recognized spices in major cuisines worldwide. Its unique pungent taste and spicy flavor make it the master spice. It can be cooked or dried and powdered. Paprika is powdered red chili pepper.

Capsaicin is the plant compound responsible for the hot flavor of chili pepper, but if you can endure the burns, you will enjoy the health benefits. Capsaicin binds with pain receptors and reduces sensitivity to pain. It also helps reduce inflammation and might also aid in weight loss. [32]

Chili peppers are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C for wound healing, vitamin k for healthy bones and kidneys, vitamin A (antioxidants), vitamin b6, potassium, and copper, as listed by the USDA. Red chili peppers might be very healthy. However, the burning sensation might be unpleasant for some people and cause some adverse effects. You should check your tolerance level and avoid it if need be. [33]

Red bell pepper

Red bell pepper in a post about red fruits

Red bell peppers are the ripest, sweetest, and healthiest. This is because they have been through the ripening process(from green, yellow, and orange to red), making them more nutritious than the others. Botanically, they are classified as fruits, but because of their unique taste in dishes, it is also used as vegetables. Red bell pepper can be eaten raw, roasted, fried, dried, and powdered. They are a healthy addition to meals.

Red bell peppers are high in vitamin c. In fact, one medium-sized red bell pepper provides 160% of the Recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin c as sourced by the USDA. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamins B6, and E, folate, and fiber. [34]

This vibrant red fruit also contains a good number of antioxidants, notable among them is quercetin. Quercetin is an antioxidant more potent than vitamin C, E, or beta carotene that helps protect the body against certain health conditions such as heart diseases, infections, cancer, inflammations, and some forms of allergies. [35]

Red banana

Red banana in a post about red fruits

The banana is excellent, but the red banana is better! The red banana, popularly known as “Red Dacca” in Southeast Asia, has somewhat red to purple skin. The flesh is like regular bananas but sweeter in taste, softer, and has a slight berry flavor. Bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. [36]

Specifically, red banana contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (beta carotene and lutein), as per data from the USDA. These nutrients are essential for improved eye and heart health, immune system support, and digestion.


Radicchio in a post about red fruits

From salads to pasta, radicchio is the flavor of the moment. This Italian chicory has heads of dark red leaves with white veins. Like other members of the chicory family, radicchio has a palpably bitter and spicy taste. Because of this, it is often cooked, roasted, or grilled in other to tone down the bitterness.

Radicchio is primarily used in Italian cuisines and Mediterranean diets and is gaining popularity around the United States.

When it comes to critical nutrients, radicchio is a healthy treat. As per USDA, this crunchy veggie is packed with high levels of vitamins A, B, C, D and K. It also contains a decent amount of folate, potassium, and manganese. [37]

Radicchio is diet-friendly for those looking to reduce their weight because the dietary fiber present help fill you up and remove waste from the body.


Fig in a post about red fruits

Fig fruit grows from the Figus Carica tree of the Moraceae family. Fig is one of the earliest fruits to be cultivated. It was long developed and consumed by Egyptians, Hebrews, and Greeks some 9000years ago. Over time, fig orchards spread across other settlements of the world.

Fig fruit has the shape of a teardrop, it comes in different types and varieties, and these classifications are done based on their skin color (white, green, red, brown, black), fruit color (green, red, yellow), and size (small to medium size). Figs are edible and can be eaten fresh or dried.

In addition to being a delicious fruit, figs have many health benefits. Figs are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin( A, D, K, B1, B2). They are also a good source of dietary fiber. [38]

Research has shown that figs can help improve sperm count and motility. In one study by the NIH about the "effects of Fig on Sperm Parameters and Testis of Mice," it was found that mice given figs had significantly higher sperm count and motility than the control group. [39]

Red onions

Red onions in a post about red fruits

We are clearly in love with onions, but we tear up every time we have to slice them. This intensely flavored member of the allium family brightened anything from scrambled eggs to sandwiches and slaws.

Red onions, sometimes called purple onions, are a variety of onions with reddish-purple skin and white flesh with tinges of red. It is common in cuisines around the world. It has a milder and sweeter taste than other varieties of onions, and it can add a nice contrast and crunch to your salads and slaws.

Health-wise, onions are a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, chromium, and folate. Specifically, red onions are rich in a type of flavonoid called flavanols, as well as phenolic acids and sulfuric compounds, which are thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (NIH). [39]

It is often believed that natural remedies have fewer side effects than pharmaceutical products. Onion tea is one natural remedy for boosting immunity, cough, and cold. However, the adverse effects of bad breath, body odor, and interactions with other drugs must be considered while taking this vegetable. [40] [41]

Red potatoes

Red potatoes in a post about red fruits

Red potatoes are medium-sized potatoes with red thin skin and white flesh. The skin is smooth with tiny brown spots. They have a firm and waxy texture that retains its shape when cooked.

Red potatoes are a member of the nightshade family, along with tomatoes and bell pepper. They are globally used in diverse recipes, including salads, soups, and curries, or served baked or mashed.

This red bliss is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. Moreover, red potatoes contain phytonutrients like flavonoids and carotenoids that have various health benefits, according to springer. [42]

Red pear

Red pear in a post about red fruits

Vibrant red, egg-shaped, slightly flattened at the ends and with a small stalk. The flesh is white, crisp, and juicy with a sweet, somewhat astringent taste. The above description perfectly fits a fruit of the rose family, the red pear.

Red pear comes in 3 different types. Red Anjou, Red Bartlett, and Starkrimson or the red crimson.

Red pear is delicious and highly nutritious; they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Some of the vital nutrients found in red pear include vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, and folate. In terms of minerals, red pear contains potassium, copper, manganese, and magnesium. [43][44]

Pears contain antioxidants, namely anthocyanin, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, which can help protect our cells and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Apart from the juicy flesh, the skin of the pear contains chlorogenic acid(CGA). This natural antioxidant helps treat and prevent certain health conditions like inflammation, cancer, and obesity.[45]

Prickly pear

Prickly pear in a post about red fruits

Prickly pear is a type of edible cactus fruit. A member of the Cactaceae cactus family. The leaf or cactus is a broad, flat, green pad known as a nopales. The nopales are edible and are mostly served in salads and soups.

The red part of the prickly pear plant is the fruit. This small oval-shaped fruit, also known as tuna, grows on top of the nopales. It has tiny edible seeds inside. Both the tuna and nopales have sharp prickles all around the body hence the name prickly pear. The needles called glochids should be carefully removed before consuming prickly pear as they can be very harmful if it touches the skin.

Prickly pear fruits are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamins C, B, and A, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. It is also an antioxidant-rich fruit. Prickly pear fruits contain carotenoids, polyphenols, and flavonoids known to scavenge harmful toxins in the body. [46] [47]

Like most fruits and vegetables, prickly pear fruit can be eaten raw. The taste is juicy and similar to kiwi or watermelon. The fruit is soft and bursting with sweet flavors.

Acerola [barbado cherry]

Acerola in a post about red fruits

A berry-like fruit of the Malpighiaceae family native to western Indies and having a high concentration of vitamin c. Acerola looks almost like a cherry, but it is not an actual cherry. The fruit is red when ripe and tastes sweet.

Acerola is highly perishable and the more it ripens, the more vitamin c it loses (NIH)So it will likely be found as supplements in the form of capsules, extracts, or powder. Fresh Acerola, however still maintains its natural exotic flare and more nutritional benefits. [48]

Acerola is a powerhouse of vitamin c. Research from the NIH shows that acerola has 1000 to 4500 mg/100 g which is around 50–100 times that of orange or lemon. It is also packed with potent antioxidants and phytonutrients that make it a healthy addition to the plate and help fight off certain health conditions. [49] [50]

Red carrot

Red carrot in a post about red fruits

When it comes to taste, carrot is a superfood. When it comes to color, the red carrot is the ruby of the day. Red carrot is native to India, and is known as “Desi gajar”. It is one of the healthiest veggies eaten in countries around the world. It is a healthy addition to diets, whether regular, vegan, paleo or vegetarian.

The red color of this variety of carrots comes from the high concentration of lycopeneas stated by the NIH, an antioxidant responsible for the red color in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables. [50]

Red carrots taste a lot sweeter than their orange counterpart, and consuming them is not only tasty but has a lot of health benefits. Carrot has abundant vitamin A, essential for healthy skin and eyes. Anthocyanins are also present in red carrot, and it helps protect our heart against any form of heart disease. [51]

Red guava

Red guava in a post about red fruits

Known to many as the “apple of the tropics”, red guava is a tropical fruit grown for its exotic fruits and medicinal leaves. It has smooth, round skin that develops from dark green to almost yellow when ripe. The flesh is soft when ripe and has a deep pink to red-color with tiny edible seeds.

Among other dietary fibers, guavas contain high-level pectin, a fiber found in fruits often used to produce jams, jellies, and thickeners for cooking and baking. The high-level pectin in guava fruits has been found to lower cholesterol, which can prevent heart disease. [52]

Guavas also contain a significant amount of Vitamin C. In fact, one guava(228mg of vitamin C) contains almost four times the amount of Vitamin C than an orange(53.4mg of vitamin C. This essential nutrient helps support a healthy immune system, aids in the absorption of iron, and helps reduce inflammation. [53]


Lingonberry in a post about red fruits

It’s lingonberry! A berry fruit of the Ericaceae family, deep red in color and a slightly sweet taste similar to cranberries. Lingonberry is mainly grown in Eurasia; its wide distribution across these regions has led to its numerous native names like cowberry, low bush cranberry, foxberry, lingenberry, whortleberry, mountain cranberry, and partridge berry.

As a fruit, lingonberry can be eaten raw, but because the taste is somewhat sour, it is mainly served as compote(cooked with sugar) or combined with other fruits to make juices and smoothies. Serving them as dried fruits is another way to enjoy this exotic fruit solo. The different recipes and health benefits associated with lingonberry make it a “super fruit.”
The various health benefits are due to the antioxidants and anti-inflammation properties of the lingonberry.. These antioxidants include Quercetin, to help reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Anthocyanin, vitamin c for immune benefits, and vitamin E for healthy skin and eyes. [54]


Indeed, nature has blessed us with an abundance of delicious and exotic fruits with unique flavor, appearance, and nutritional benefits. Red fruits and vegetables, in particular, are stunning to look at and packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can do wonders for our health. So next time you're at the grocery store, pick up some red fruits and vegetables and enjoy their flavor and health benefits.

Looking for more exotic fruits and vegetables to add to your diet? Check out our list of 15 delicious blue fruits and vegetables.


What Fruits And Veggies Are Red?

Some popular red fruits and vegetables include tomatoes, watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, apples, pomegranates, cranberries, beets, and red peppers.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Red Fruits And Vegetables?

Red fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins (such as vitamin C), and minerals (such as lycopene), which can offer a host of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. These foods can boost immunity, improve vision, and promote healthy skin.

What Recipes Can I Make With Red Fruits And Vegetables?

Some delicious recipes that feature red fruits and vegetables include roasted beet and berry salad, cherry tomatoes with mozzarella and basil, watermelon-feta salad with mint, strawberry rhubarb crisp, and roasted red pepper soup.


  1. NIH; Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits
  2. NIH; Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits—A Review
  3. NIH; Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits
  4. USDA; Grapes, red, seedless, raw
  5. NIH; Recent Advances on the Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties of Red Grape Polyphenols
  6. USDA; Strawberries, raw
  7. NIH; Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits
  8. USDA; Cabbage, red, raw
  9. NIH; Red Cabbage Rather Than Green Cabbage Increases Stress Resistance
  10. USDA; Tomatoes, grape, raw
  11. NIH; nutraceutical properties of lycopene
  12. NIH; Enhancing the Health-Promoting Effects of Tomato Fruit for Biofortified Food
  13. NIH; NIH study of "Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits
  14. NIH; Watermelon lycopene and allied health claims
  15. NIH; Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits
  16. NIH; Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits—A Review
  17. NIH;Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits
  18. National Institute of Health; Hydroxycinnamic Acids and Derivatives Formulations
  19. USDA; Pomegranates, raw
  20. NIH; Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer
  21. NIH; Nutritional Evaluation of Beetroots
  22. NIH; Distinguishing three Dragon fruit
  23. USDA; Lychee
  24. USDA Nutrient Database; Plums, raw
  25. NIH; From plums to prunes
  26. USDA; Plums, raw
  27. NIH; Red Orange
  28. USDA; Rhubarb, raw
  29. NIH; Oxalate content of foods and its effect on humans
  30. USDA; Plums, raw
  31. American Chemical Society; Hot Peppers
  32. USDA; Peppers, hot chili, red, raw
  33. USDA; 20 Foods That Are High in Vitamin C
  34. NIH; Antioxidant activities of different colored sweet bell peppers
  35. USDA; Peppers, bell, red, raw
  36. USDA; Radicchio, raw
  37. USDA; Figs, raw
  38. NIH; Effects of Common Fig
  39. Health-wise; Onions, red, raw
  40. NIH; Effects of Allium cepa
  41. food; Onion Tea For Immunity
  42. USDA; Potatoes, raw, skin
  43. link.springer; Potatoes, Nutrition and Health
  44. USDA; Pears, raw, red anjou
  45. NIH; Systematic Review of Pears and Health
  46. USDA;Prickly pears, raw
  47. National Institutes of Health; Opuntia ficus-indica
  48. NIH; Acerola, an untapped functional superfruit
  49. NIH; Phytochemicals in Daucus carota
  50. NIH; The Chemical composition of carrots
  51. NIH; Effect of Guava in Blood Glucose and Lipid Profile
  52. USDA; Guavas, common, raw
  53. NIH; Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits—A Review

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