Quick Reference
A Brief Explanation Of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a decreased ability to hear sound in one or both ears. It can be sudden or gradual and range from mild to profound.
Hearing loss can be caused by many things, including noise exposure, aging, genetics, infections, and certain medications. The most common type of hearing loss is age-related hearing loss, which affects about 1 in 3 people aged 65 and older.
Types of Hearing Loss
There are three types of hearing loss: Sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss.
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Asymmetrical Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Conductive Hearing Loss
- Mixed Hearing Loss
Ways To Manage Hearing Loss
- Behind-The-Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids
- In-The-Canal (ITC) Hearing Aids
- Completely In The Canal (CIC) Hearing Aids
- Bone Conduction Hearing Aids
- Cochlear Implant Systems
- Reading Lips
- Sign Language
Potential Treatment Options And Cure for Hearing Loss
- Progenitor Cells Activation Therapy: Fx-322
- Frequency Therapeutics
- Progenitor Cell Activation Research
Hearing loss is not a new health problem. So, we think that scientists and doctors should find better ways to treat it as time goes on. In this article, we will talk a lot about the newest ways to treat hearing loss. Keep reading!
A brief explanation of hearing loss
Deafness and hearing loss mean a person has trouble hearing sounds. Some people might not notice it much, while others find it very hard to hear. People with a little bit of hearing loss might not hear well in loud places. If someone has more hearing loss, they might need a hearing aid.[1]
People who are very deaf might learn to read lips to talk to others. Those who are completely deaf can't hear at all. They use things like lip reading and sign language to talk. About 15% of Americans who are older than 18 have some kind of hearing loss.[2]
To learn more, we also suggest reading Understanding Ear Pressure.
Hearing loss vs. deafness
Various degrees of hearing loss needs to be identified and treated accordingly.
Hearing loss
Deafness and hearing loss mean a person has trouble hearing sounds. Some people might not notice it much, while others find it very hard to hear. People with a little bit of hearing loss might not hear well in loud places. If someone has more hearing loss, they might need a hearing aid. [3]
People who are very deaf might learn to read lips to talk to others. Those who are completely deaf can't hear at all. They use things like lip reading and sign language to talk. About 15% of Americans who are older than 18 have some kind of hearing loss.
This condition happens when a person's hearing is so weak that they can't understand spoken words, even if the sound is louder. [3]
Profound deafness
This means a person cannot hear anything. Someone who is very deaf does not hear any sounds. We measure how much hearing loss they have by how much louder we need to make normal talking for them to hear it.
Some people think being very deaf is the most hearing loss you can have. But others say being very deaf and not hearing anything at all are different. [4]
Types of hearing loss
There are three types of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive, and mixed. [5]

Sensorineural hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss happens when the nerves from the inner ear to the brain get damaged. Most people with hearing loss have this type. It can be caused by getting older, loud noises, or other things. These can harm the nerves and tiny hair cells in the ear. Right now, there's no medical or surgical way to fix this kind of hearing loss. But, hearing aids can help make it better.
This hearing loss can happen in both ears or just one. If it comes on slowly, you might not notice it until you get a hearing test. Sometimes, it can start very quickly, in just a few days. It can even start so fast that you first notice it when you wake up in the morning. Some of the consequences of sensorineural hearing loss include the following:
- Discomfort in hearing in noisy environments.
- Having a tough time deciphering female and children voices.
- Vertigo and issues with balance.
- Difficulty in hearing high-frequency noises.
- It seems as if sounds and conversations are muffled.
- Experiencing voices one doesn't recognize or comprehend.
- Tinnitus (ringing in your ears). [6]
Sensorineural hearing loss causes
Depending on the root cause, sensorineural hearing loss may affect either one or both ears.
Types of sensorineural hearing loss
Depending on the root cause, sensorineural hearing loss may affect either one or both ears.
- Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Asymmetrical Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Sensorineural hearing loss diagnosis
Sensorineural hearing loss is best diagnosed after a series of tests has been performed by a doctor.
- Physical exam
SNHL may be distinguished from conductive hearing loss with a physical examination. The doctor will check for signs of infection, inflammation, eardrum damage, foreign things, and excess fluid or earwax.
- Tuning forks
As a preliminary check, a doctor could do a tuning fork test. Some particular checks are:
- Weber's test
The doctor lightly taps a tuning fork tuned to 512 hertz and positions it in front of your eyebrows. Hearing loss is most likely conductive if the sound is amplified in the unaffected ear. You probably have sensorineural hearing loss if sounds are more robust in your good ear.
- Rinne test
In this test, the doctor hits a tuning fork and puts it on the bone behind your ear. They do this until you can't hear it anymore. Then, the doctor moves the tuning fork away from your ear slowly until you can't hear the sound. If you have sensorineural hearing loss, you might hear the tuning fork better if it's in front of your ear, not against the bone.
- Audiogram
If your doctor thinks you might have hearing loss, they will probably send you to an audiologist for a better hearing test.
In this test, you will wear headphones in a quiet booth. The test will play different loudness levels and types of sounds and speech in each ear. This test finds out the quietest sounds you can hear and which sounds you have trouble hearing.[10]
Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss usually happens because of blockages in the outer or middle ear. These can be things like fluid, tumors, earwax, or the way the ear is shaped. These blockages stop sound from getting to the inner ear. Doctors can often treat this kind of hearing loss with medicine or surgery.
The signs of conductive hearing loss are what you might expect. Sounds are not as clear with this kind of hearing loss.
A common sign is having trouble hearing people talk at normal levels. This might make people turn up the volume on their radios, TVs, and other devices. The following are some other signs of conductive hearing loss:
- Lack of hearing, all of a sudden.
- Consistently deteriorating hearing loss
- Trouble hearing in one or both ears
- Earache or fullness in one or both ears
- Dizziness
- Odors emanating from your ear that are unfamiliar or off-putting
- Ear leakage that contains liquid [11]
What are the causes of conductive hearing loss?
In the case of conductive hearing loss, the inner ear simply isn't receiving any sound waves. An issue with the external or middle ear might lead to this condition. Some of the outer-ear issues that might lead to conductive hearing loss are:
- The sensation of having a bug or other small object lodged in one's ear.
- Accumulation of wax in the ear canal.
- A tumor of the ear bone.
- Infections in the ear canal, such as those caused by swimming.
- The ear canal is full of fluid.
- Ear canal abnormalities.
- Shrinkage of the ear canal.
- Middle-ear issues like those listed above may lead to conductive hearing loss.
- Fluid accumulation in the middle ear and related infections.
- Your eardrum has been ruptured.
- A perforation in the ear drum.
- Collapsed eardrum brought on by pressure within the ear.
- Your eardrum has become thicker.
- Excessive skin cell growth in the middle ear.
- Traumatic injury to the ear's middle ear bones.
- Otosclerosis is a hereditary disorder that causes the structure of the middle ear bone to be abnormal. [12]
How is conductive hearing loss diagnosed?
A doctor specializing in treating the ears, nose, and throat (ENT) can determine the cause of your hearing loss. They will inquire as to your overall health and your hearing loss specifically. You'll be checked out so they can identify your specific kind of hearing loss and investigate possible causes.
An audiogram is one of the first things that must be done when diagnosing hearing loss. A conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss may be identified using this test. The extent of your hearing loss may also be measured this way. Sometimes, this will be the only test necessary to establish a diagnosis. Other tests that may be necessary are:
- CT Scans, MRI Scans, Or Other Imaging Tests
- Tympanometry
- Acoustic Reflex
- Audiometric Tests
- Static Acoustic Measures [13]
Mixed hearing loss
"Mixed hearing loss" means someone has both sensorineural and conductive hearing problems. This means they have trouble with both the outer and inner parts of the ear.
The outer ear can't send sounds to the brain the right way, and the inner ear can't process them correctly. Conductive hearing loss, which affects the outer ear, might be fixable. But sensorineural hearing loss, which affects the inner ear, usually can't be fixed. People with both types of hearing loss often say sounds are very quiet and hard to understand. [14]
What causes mixed hearing loss?
Any condition that causes either sensorineural or conductive hearing loss can also cause mixed hearing loss. Several of the fundamental causes are as follows:
- Aging
- Illness
- Drugs
- Head or ear trauma
- The buildup of earwax in the ear canal
- Ear wax and middle ear fluid
Mixed hearing loss diagnosis
To find out if someone has mixed hearing loss, doctors do a few things. They check the ears, nose, throat, and neck. They also look at the patient's health history. Plus, they do a special hearing test called an audiometric evaluation.
An audiologist, who is a hearing expert, does this hearing test with a machine called an audiometer. The test makes a chart called an audiogram. This chart shows how much hearing loss the person has. It can show if the hearing loss is mixed, which means it's caused by more than one thing. For example, someone might have hearing loss because they are getting older and also have a lot of earwax.
The audiologist will go over the test results with you. They will explain what is causing your hearing problems and what can be done to help. [15]
Hearing loss and noise exposure
Noise-induced hearing loss is the second most common cause of serious sensorineural hearing loss after age-related hearing loss. About 80% of teenagers aged 13 to 18 listen to music with headphones for 1 to 3 hours every day.
Hearing can get damaged if you hear loud noises for a long time. This hurts the tiny hair cells and the nerve for hearing in the inner ear. A study found that about 1.7% of people worldwide had noise-induced hearing loss in 2021. People who use headphones in loud places are 4.5 times more likely to have hearing loss.
It's safe to be around loud noise at 85 decibels (dBA) for up to 8 hours a day. Hearing loss can happen if you're around sounds at or above 85 dB for too long. How long you hear the noise is just as important as how loud it is. Even sounds that aren't very loud can cause hearing loss. Health experts at Oklahoma Hearing Center say this can happen with moderate volumes too.[16] [17]

Methods for preventing hearing loss by using headphones
- Limiting exposure to loud sounds by decreasing headphones' volume below the acceptable level.
- Using noise-canceling headphones that block out external sound enables people to listen to music at low volumes.
- Swapping out earbuds or in-ear headphones for over-ear headphones.
- minimizing listening times
- Receiving routine ear tests.
- A person can reduce the volume while not wearing headphones, such as on televisions or cellphones, and can use ear protection at loud events or in noisy surroundings. [18]
Why exposure to extremely loud noise is harmful to your hearing
The primary risk with headphones is volume due to the speaker's proximity to the ear canal. Because loud noises are harmful to your ears, you should avoid doing this.
Sound waves vibrate the eardrum as they reach the ear canal. The cochlea receives this vibration after traveling through numerous tiny bones in the middle ear. Many thousands of tiny "hairs" are packed into the cochlea, a fluid-filled chamber in your ear. The fluid in the cochlea vibrates in response to sound waves, which in turn causes the hairs to sway. The vibrations caused by louder sounds are more significant. Therefore, the hairs move more.
Damage to these hair cells occurs when one repeatedly exposes him or herself to sounds that are too loud. Because of the excessive noise, the cells are distorted or even folded over. This phenomenon results from the "temporary hearing loss" that follows exposure to loud noises. When subjected to extremely high frequencies, such as those produced by loud noise, the hair cells require time to recuperate.
Inner ear injury currently has no known treatment. However, there are cases in which the cells never fully recover. They may be too injured to carry out their usual duties. Long-term hearing loss is the result of this condition. When caused by loud noises, this kind of hearing loss is usually always permanent. [19]
The function of earphones
Noise-induced hearing loss happens with headphones just like with other loud noises. If you listen to loud music through headphones a lot, it can hurt your hearing for good. This happens because the loud noise bends the tiny hair cells in your ear too much. If these cells don't get a break to heal, the damage can be permanent.
Even headphones that aren't very loud can cause hearing loss if you use them a lot. It's not just how loud the noise is, but also how long you hear it. This is why even a short, quieter sound like a gunshot or explosion can hurt your ears as much as a loud concert or using noisy tools. How long you hear a sound is just as important as how loud it is. [20]

Managing hearing loss
Hearing aids do not restore normal hearing but improve the sound quality that reaches the ear. A variety of hearing aids are available. A variety of sizes, circuit configurations, and output strengths are available.
The main components of a hearing aid are a battery, a speaker, an amplifier, and a microphone. You can even hide them in your ear because they are so tiny. Many up-to-date iterations feature noise cancellation to isolate speech from the background. A person with profound deafness would not benefit from a hearing aid. The audiologist will mold an impression of your ear to ensure a proper fit. In other words, it will be modified to make it more audible.[21]
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids

These are devices that help people hear better. They have a part called an earmold on top and a case connected to it with a cable. The earmold attaches to the case, which sits behind the outer ear. The cable goes down in front of the ear. The sound from the device goes to the ear either through an electrical or acoustic path.
BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aids have their electronics away from the ear. This makes them less likely to get damaged by sweat and earwax. They are mainly used by children who need a device that is reliable and easy to use.[22]
In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids
These are the visible contents of the external ear canal. The speaker is placed inside the ear with the help of a soft ear insert, typically made of silicone. Most patients can start using these devices immediately, and the sound quality is much enhanced.

Completely in the canal (CIC) hearing aids
These tiny, unobtrusive aids aren't suggested for those with profound hearing loss, but they're great for everyone else.[23]
Bone conduction hearing aids
Beneficial for those with conductive hearing loss or for those who can't use traditional hearing aids. Wearing one of these gadgets for an extended period may cause discomfort or pain. A headband secures the vibrating part of the device against the mastoid. The mastoid bone acts as a conduit for the vibrations to reach the inner ear, where they are processed.[24]

Cochlear implant systems
If your eardrum and middle ear are in good shape, a cochlear implant might help jn.
This implant puts a tiny electrode into the cochlea. There's also a microprocessor put under the skin behind the ear. It sends electricity to help with hearing.
Cochlear implants are for people who can't hear well because the hair cells in their cochlea are damaged. These implants usually make it easier to understand speech. The newest ones have special features. They let people enjoy music, hear better in noisy places, and even use the implants when swimming.[25] As of 2012, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported that around 58,000 adults and 38,000 children in the United States had cochlear implants.
- A microphone is used to collect ambient sound.
- A speech processor highlights the patient's most essential sounds, such as speech. The electrical sound signals are separated into channels and transmitted to the transmitter through a tiny wire.
- A transmitter consists of a magnet-secured coil. It is situated behind the external ear and sends sound signals to the implanted device.
- A surgeon implants a receiver and stimulator beneath the epidermis and into the bone. The signals are translated into electrical impulses and transmitted to the electrodes through internal connections.
- Impulses are transmitted to the nerves in the cochlear's lower channels and straight to the brain. Up to twenty-two electrodes are wrapped around the cochlea. The number of electrodes depends on the implant manufacturer. [26]
A cochlear implant's exterior consists of the following:
People with hearing loss can struggle with speech and have trouble understanding what others are saying. Many persons who are deaf or hard of hearing can pick up alternative modes of communication. Using sign language and lip reading as an alternative to or in addition to speech communication is possible. [27]
Find out the best apps for American Sign Language in Sign language apps for ASL: What to know and best options by Medical News Today.
Reading lips
Lip reading is a way to understand what someone is saying by looking at their lips, face, and tongue. It also helps to know the situation and use any hearing the person still has.
People who could hear before and then lost their hearing are usually better at lip reading. This is because they already knew how to talk. It's harder for people who were born deaf or hard of hearing.[28]
Sign language
Sign language doesn't use sounds. Instead, it uses hand movements, facial expressions, and body positions. Deaf people often use it to communicate.
There are many kinds of sign languages. American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) are very different. For example, BSL uses both hands for its alphabet, but ASL uses just one hand. In some countries, sign language came from missionaries who came from far away. For instance, people in Madagascar use Norwegian sign language.[29]
The way words are put together in British Sign Language is different from spoken English. It's a completely different language. American Sign Language, in how it arranges words, is more like spoken Japanese than spoken English.
An evaluation of some potential treatment options and cure for hearing loss
Every year, millions of people have serious hearing loss. Right now, there's no cure for it. But, new technology like surgical implants and hearing aids really helps people with hearing loss. Except in rare cases, hearing loss is permanent and can't be cured. But this might change soon.
There are many new treatments for hearing loss being tested or developed. One exciting area is using stem cells to fix damaged inner ear tissue. Research on gene editing is also showing a lot of promise.
Progenitor cell activation research
One promising experimental treatment to keep an eye on is progenitor cell activation. Founded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers, Frequency Therapeutics is developing this novel regenerative therapy to treat hearing loss. Its mechanism is both straightforward and fascinating.
We need to briefly discuss stem and progenitor cells to help you understand better.[30]
What are stem cells and progenitor cells?
Stem cells are the basis for all human cells because they can self-renew indefinitely. That's pretty common knowledge at this point. Yet, you might not be aware of two distinct kinds of stem cells.[31]
Stem cells derived from embryos serve as the body's "living blueprints," from which all other cells are derived during pregnancy. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are limited in their differentiation potential. The progenitor cell is a type of stem cell that bridges the gap between adult and embryonic stem cells. [32]
Progenitor cells activation therapy: Fx-322
Frequency Therapeutics has a new treatment that focuses on progenitor cells. These cells are a bit like stem cells. They can grow and stay alive, but not as much as stem cells. They are stronger than adult stem cells but not as strong as embryonic stem cells.
This treatment uses a drug called FX-322. When it's injected, it makes progenitor cells in the inner ear start growing tiny hairs called stereocilia again. The results from tests on people are very promising. The company has given the injection to more than 200 patients. Almost everyone in three different studies had big improvements in understanding speech.[33]
Right now, Frequency is doing a test with 124 people. They expect to have early results by the start of 2023. The people who started Frequency think their work will help scientists get better at using progenitor cells. This could lead to new treatments.
Relationship between stereocilia and hearing loss
The tiny hairs in the inner ear, called stereocilia, are very important for hearing. They change the movement of fluid in the cochlea into electrical signals. Then, the auditory nerve takes these signals to the brain.
Stereocilia are really sensitive to sound, so loud noises can easily damage them. The big problem is that once these tiny hairs are lost, they don't grow back like other human cells. Over time, even the stereocilia that aren't damaged can get worse at sending signals.[34]
Where does FX-322 stand at the moment?
FX-322 needs to be proven safe and effective in many tests to get approval from the FDA in the United States. It has been tested in five studies with 193 people, and no one had serious side effects.[35]
What are frequency therapeutics and FX-322's long-term prospects, starting in 2022? Using the data from the previous studies, Frequency Therapeutics has initiated Phase 2b clinical trials.
- In March of 2021, Frequency Therapeutics announced encouraging results from a clinical trial. A single dose of FX-322 was injected into one ear, while a placebo group was injected into the other. After 90 days, 34% of people saw statistically significant improvements in word recognition scores in the treated ear.
- Twenty-three participants in another study showed at least a 10% increase in word recognition scores in the treated ear after treatment. When assessed again 13-21 months later, 70% of those who had made significant progress maintained it.
- Also, those with profound sensorineural hearing loss participated in clinical trials of FX-322. Average word recognition scores did not improve. However, some subjects scored better on the Bamford-Kowla-Bench Sentence-in-Noise test (BKB-SIN).
What are frequency therapeutics and FX-322's long-term prospects, starting in 2022?
Using the data from the previous studies, Frequency Therapeutics has initiated Phase 2b clinical trials. [36]
- About 124 people are expected to participate in this new study, which is expected to wrap up in the fall of 2022.
- Initial dosing of FX-322 began in October 2021, after a month-long screening period, to ensure that patients were suitable for the study. This time, potential subjects must maintain consistent performance across three visits to the clinic.
- The researchers set up the study because they suspect some participants may have exaggerated their hearing problems to get their hands on the experimental drug. This hypothesis was supported by data published in March 2021: participants in both the treatment and placebo groups showed significant gains in word recognition. A rise in word recognition abilities is not to be anticipated in the placebo group because they did not receive FX-322.
- Participants in the current FX-322 study are given either the active drug or a placebo via a single injection. After 90 days, researchers will evaluate participants' word recognition scores to determine if they have improved their ability to understand spoken language.
- All participants must have had a hearing threshold between 35 and 85 dBHL and have been diagnosed with either noise-induced sensorineural hearing loss or idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.In its current state, FX-322 is not intended to treat hearing loss due to aging.
Frequency Therapeutics is working on a new drug called FX-345. This drug could help people with hearing loss that comes from getting older. The scientists think FX-345 can reach deeper parts of the cochlea. This means it might treat more types of sensorineural hearing loss. That's the main thing that makes FX-345 different from FX-322.[37]
How the GFI1 protein helps create new inner ear hair cells for hearing?
The University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) found out how a protein helps make new hair cells in the inner ear. Their study shows that baby hair cells need the GFI1 protein to grow into adult cells that work well.
These cells show signs that they might become like nerve cells. The researchers believe that we can fix hearing loss if we understand the detailed way hearing works.[38]
Final thoughts
We haven't found a cure for hearing loss yet. So, it's important to protect your ears and stop more damage. When you see a hearing expert, they will check your hearing. Then, they will decide the best way to help you, like maybe using a hearing aid.
What Is The Most Recent Treatment For Hearing loss?
Advanced cochlear implants are among the most popular treatment options for hearing loss.
What Is The Most Effective Way To Prevent Hearing Loss?
You can reduce your risk of hearing loss by protecting your ear from loud noises.
- The Lancet; Hearing loss prevalence and years lived with disability
- NHIS; Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults
- Study.com; Hearing Impairment
- Cambridge University Hospitals; Severe/profound Deafness
- Healthy Hearing; Types of Hearing Loss
- NIH; Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- NHIS; Syndromic Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Healthy Hearing; Causes of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL)
- NHIS; Continuing Education Activity
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Types of Hearing Loss
- Pubmed: Conductive Hearing Loss
- Pubmed: Conductive Hearing Loss
- Pubmed: Conductive Hearing Loss
- Science Direct; Mixed Hearing Loss
- Science Direct; Mixed Hearing Loss
- Pubmed: Associations between adolescents’ earphone usage in noisy environments, hearing loss, and self-reported hearing problems
- Oklahoma Hearing Center; Do Headphones Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss?
- Cnet; 5 ways to prevent hearing loss while using headphones
- CDC: How Does Loud Noise Cause Hearing Loss?
- Medical News Today; 5 of the best headphones for hearing impairment
- Hear; Hearing Aids vs Cochlear Implants
- Hearing Aid Know: Behind The Ear Hearing Aids (BTE)
- Heading Aid; Behind The Ear Hearing Aids (BTE)
- Hearing Aid: Bone Conduction Hearing Aids
- Bone Conduction Hearing Aids
- Hearing Sol; What are the parts of a cochlear implant?
- Very Well Health; Using Sign Language and Voice for Total Communication
- Better Health; Hearing loss - lipreading
- Ai Media; Sign Language Alphabets From Around The World
- MIT News; Reversing hearing loss with regenerative therapy
- Stem Cells; Stem Cell Basics
- MicroscopeMaster: Progenitor Cells
- Pubmed; FX-322 in Adults With Acquired Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- Science Direct; Stereocilia
- Hearing Tracker; Latest Trial Underway for Hearing Restoration Drug FX-322
- Hearing Health Matters; Frequency Therapeutics Releases New Data from Two FX-322 Clinical Studies
- Hearing Loss Treatment Report
- The Journals; New Role Uncovered for a Protein Involved in Hearing
The information provided on this health blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.